About Our Authors

Alexandra McGregor (

Alex is a fifth year graduate student at Cornell University in Dr. Jan Lammerding's lab. She is pursuing a PhD in Biomedical Engineering, where she studies forces exerted in cancer metastasis. Alex has been active with the Cancer Brainstorming Club since coming to Cornell in 2012, and currently heads up both the club and the blog. 

Patricia Davidson, PhD (

Patricia is a former postdoctoral researcher in the Lammerding lab at Cornell University. She studies the mechanical properties of cells and is trying to understand whether cancer cells alter their stiffness to migrate through the body during metastasis. Patricia has organized many successful bake sales to raise money for the Cancer Resource Center, where her chocolate red wine cherry cookies have proven very popular. 

Joseph Rosenthal, PhD (

Joseph graduated from Cornell in 2014 from Dr. Putnam's lab, and is currently a second-year medical student in the HST Harvard-MIT medical program. Joseph participated in weekly discussion groups at the Cancer Resource Center, and was a dynamic member of the Cancer Brainstorming Club at Cornell.  

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